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    Chapter 1: Prologue [2:45]第一章: 序言  NARRATOR: As the 20th century drew to its close, and our new century began, the battle over the world economy intensified. Some people feared globalization and questioned the benefits. Others weled it.  旁白: 随着二十世纪的即将结束和二十一世纪的很快来临,世界经济体竞争也在不断加剧。一些人害怕全球化的浪潮,对它能带来的好处持怀疑态度,而另外一些人则持欢迎态度。  RICHARD CHENEY, : Millions of people a day are better off than they would have been without those trade developments, without globalization. And very few people have been harmed by it.  切尼,美国副总统: 如果没有贸易发展和全球化,每天会有数百万人的经济状况不会象现在这么好。没有什么人因为贸易发展和全球化而受到伤害。  NARRATOR: As the terrible events of September 11 drove the world deeper into a recession, new questions emerged about the perils of the new world economy. Can our now deeply interconnected world

