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  • txt类型:都市言情
  • txt大小:272K
  • 上传者:古诗乐
  • 今日点击:132
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gossip girl 10 英文txt下载更新时间:2019-09-19

《gossip girl 10 英文》txt下载简介:

Danwrote his first poem,andJenny bought her first bra.BeforeBlair watched her first Audrey Hepburn movie,Serenaleft for boarding school,and beforeNate came between them. . . .it had to be youthe gossip girl prequeling October 2007==================================ABC Amber LIT Converter v2.02==================================Disclaimer: All the real names of places, people, and events have been altered or abbreviated toprotect the innocent. Namely, me.hey people!Do you ever feel like the luckiest girl alive? Well, you?re not, because I am. At this moment, I?msunning myself on ?ber-social, totally gorgeous Main Beach in East Hampton, watching thepreppy boys pull off their pastel Lacoste polos and smear Coppertone all over their sun-dappled...


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