


美丽英文(哲理卷)- 第21部分

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  Walter Whitman
  It is not only true that most people entirely misunderstand Freedom; but I sometimes think I have not yet met one person who rightly understands it。 The whole Universe is absolute Law。 To the degraded or undeveloped—and even to too many others—the thought of freedom is a thought of escaping from law—which; of course; is impossible。 More precious than all worldly riches is Freedom—freedom from the painful constipation and poor narrowness of ecclesiasticism—freedom in manners; habiliments; furniture; from the silliness and tyranny of local fashions—entire freedom from party rings and mere conventions in Politics—and better than all; a general freedom of oneself from the tyrannic domination of vices; habits; appetites; under which nearly every man of us; (often the greatest brawler for freedom); is enslaved。 Can we attain such enfranchisement—the true Democracy; and the height of it? While we are from birth to death the subjects of irresistible law; enclosing every movement and minute; we yet escape; by a paradox; into true free will。 Strange as it may seem; we only attain to freedom by a knowledge of; and implicit obedience to Law。 Great—unspeakably great—is the Will! The free Soul of man! At its greatest; understanding and obeying the laws; it can then; and then only; maintain true ; that law as absolute as any—more absolute than any—the Law of Liberty。 The shallow; as intimated; consider liberty a release from all law; from every constraint。 The wise see in it; on the contrary; the potent law of Laws; namely; the fusion and bination of the conscious will; or partial individual law; with those universal; eternal; unconscious ones; which run through all Time; pervade history; prove immortality; give moral purpose to the entire objective world; and the last dignity to human life。
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  ■ 心灵小语
  The Fork in the Road
  Florence Scovel Shinn
  Every day there is a necessity of choice (a fork in the road)。 “Shall I do this; or shall I do that? Shall I go; or shall I stay?” Many people do not know what to do。 They rush about letting other people make decisions for them; then regret having taken their advice。
  There are others who carefully reason things out。 They weigh and measure the situation like dealing in groceries; and are surprised when they fail to obtain their goal。
  There are still other people who follow the magic path of intuition and find themselves in their Promised Land in the twinkling of an eye。
  Intuition is a spiritual faculty high above the reasoning mind; but on the path is all that you desire or require。 So choose ye this day to follow the magic path of intuition。
  In most people it is a faculty which has remained dormant。 So we say; “Awake though that sleeps。 Wake up to your leads and hunches!”
  Now it is necessary for your to make a decision; you face a fork in the road。 Ask for a definite unmistakable lead; and you will receive it。
  So we find we have success through being strong and very courageous in following spiritual law。
  A well…known man; who has bee a great power in the financial world; said to a friend; “I always follow intuition and I am luck incarnate。”
  Inspirations are the most important thing in life。 People e to truth meetings for inspiration。 I find the right word will start divine activity operating in their affairs。
  In every act prompted by fear lies the germ of its own defeat。

  我们所做的每件事都对我们的人格有新的量度。它能塑造我们的思想,使我们更有组织性,更富经验,更有学识和创造力。我们每天为完成任务所花的时间和所流的汗水就是构筑我们未来的砖瓦。所以,朋友们,繁忙总比无所事事好。“游手好闲的头脑是魔鬼的作坊。” 想必大家都听过这句话吧?每个成功男人的背后是一张规整而紧凑的日程安排,而非女人。
  ■ 心灵小语
  Importance of Being Busy
  Routines are the unwritten algorithms1; followed by each one of us; everyday in life。 Routine is a chain of events; which never changes their order; once it is prioritized。 Following the routine is a schedule of events。 For a student it would be writing assignments; attending school; coaching classes or doing a project。 For the businessman brandishing the tiniest mobile phone and shielded by the darker than black shade of Mercedes; schedule is restricted to attending meetings; presentations and entertaining new prospective clients。
  Sometimes life bees so hectic that you feel as if you are the only person to whom the whole world has been merciless and that you are the only person who is working harder than anyone else。 But this is the thought; which es due to a thorough introspection2 of us。 Even though others will be facing the same shade of destiny like us; still we find others to be very luckier than us。 Yes; the other side of the grass is always greener and more fresh。
  Maintaining your cool; at the times of difficulty and hectic3 schedules is the key to a bright carrier and successful life。 Because unless we ourselves change the pace; with the change in times and keep ourselves abreast of the latest timetable of our organizer; we will fall behind。
  However the more things one has to do or one is into; more is involved in; the greater the involvement in a mental; physical or social way into the things in which he is involved。 Due to this his own personal problems are out of sight; because all the time his mind is thinking of pleting the undertaken tasks。 Problems once that they are out of sight; imply they are out of mind。
  Each thing that we do; adds a new dimension to our personality。 It shapes our thinking and makes us more organized; experienced; knowledgeable and creative。 The time and sweat that we put in everyday into our tasks is the brick and mortar of our future。 So friends; it is always better to be busy rather than idle。 Now hasn’t everyone heard that an idle mind is a devil’s workshop? Behind every successful man is a devotedly followed hectic schedule rather than a woman。

  时钟总是不停地滴答,秒针也像为了觅食而不停忙碌的蚂蚁一样永不停息地前行。同样,为了实现秒针滴答60次完成一分钟的任务,它一刻不停地忙碌奔走着,即使完成了一分钟,它也不停歇,又开始新一轮的60次征程。它们走了一分钟又一分钟,不经意间走了一刻钟、一小时甚至一天。它们始终专注于小目标,也就是一分钟,使时钟的更大目标自然而然地得以实现。这就是分针走得少,秒针走得多的原因。分针一小时要走60圈。时针是它们中最幸运的,它一小时只需走一次,而秒针在一小时内却要走3 600次。
  ■ 心灵小语
  Importance of Time
  They say Life and Death are not in anyone’s hands。 They are things that just happen every time and with everyone。 Same is the case with time。 Most of the time we take it for granted that there is always plenty of time。 Due to this perhaps we indulge in various activities; which are a wholesale waste of time。
  The clock is always ticking。 The seconds keep on ticking just like busy ants。 The ants keep themselves always busy by always hunting for food everywhere。 Similarly the seconds always keep on ticking to attain short…term goals of making a minute with 60 ticks。 After reaching a milestone of a minute the second hand of a clock doesn’t take a break; but start afresh for another round of 60 ticks。 They take it minute by minute and inadvertently reach a quarter of an hour; and hour and then a day。 They always focus on the smaller targets that is a minute and the bigger aim of the clock itself gets fulfilled。 That’s why the minutes hands have to work less; as the seconds hand does most of the running around。 The minute hand just has to make 60 movements on a clock dial。 The hours hand is the luckiest of the lot。 It just moves once in an hour。 But the seconds hand moves for 3600 times around the dial for the same hour!
  Parallel to this; in our life to we never realizes that we have lots to do。 Between every big task we can always find enough time to fit in a plethora of smaller tasks。 If you are waiting for a train at the station; you can always read a magazine or rather chalk out your study timetable for exams。 While traveling in the bus too one can find enough time to at least skim through the previous days notes。
  Be like the clock。 Always keep on ticking by involving yourself in various things and learning new things。 These 
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