Be like the clock。 Always keep on ticking by involving yourself in various things and learning new things。 These small knowledge and experience modules will perhaps one day take you to your bigger goal some day。 They say “Time and Tide waits for no man”。 If so; now stop staring at the screen and utilize your time effectively!
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■ 心灵小语
Variety Fuels Creativity
Variety is the fuel for survival。 Variety injects the fluid of creativity in the most barren of minds。 To be grooved on to your POA of a successful career life; variety bined with flexibility to fit in changing circumstances is the major mantra of the hour。
No job can be done in one single way。 The more one explores; more will be the different dimensions that will be observed which can help to plete a job。 It is logical to choose the better way of doing a thing among various available options。 Innovation is your own discovered way of doing a job; that has been appreciably noticed and yielded favorable results。 Innovation is just like a fresh paint being splashed on the walls of creativity。
Innovation is not something that cannot be achieved by us。 Belief in ourselves jelled with the unique distinction of having the ability to give concrete shape to our values and ideas is what separates the boys from the men。 It takes a lot of guts to venture out and execute the algorithm of ideas on our mind。 The initial phase is the toughest; which will not give you any favorable takers or pushers。 But to keep on going when the going is tough is what takes a test of mental perseverance and never say die grit and determination。
For students they can spice up their lives with variety by focusing on extra curricular activities apart from academics。 Agreed that academics are the time…tested key to a good career and a secure job; but the books don’t make you bee street smart。 No matter how long you have read on swimming; unless and until you enter the water and swim; all the reading is useless。 The recipes given in a cookery book are not there to be read like a book; but to be tried practically。 Extra curricular activities help one to deal with people; tells one the areas where theoretical theories can’t be applied in real life and also changes the individuals outlook to various problems。 Also time management bees easy by involving one in various activities。 Remember that only a busy man can find time; because he knows how to set his priorities and take out time even for the smallest task; no matter how busy his schedule is。
Variety is the spice of life。 Just like different spices flavor the food in a different way; variety flavors any task。 The aroma of creativity revitalizes the mind to open its creative reserves。
■ 心灵小语
How to Refill an Empty Life
Albert Nesbitt
One day about fifteen years ago I suddenly came face to face with myself and realized there was something quite empty about my life。 My friends and associates perhaps didn’t see it。 By the generally accepted standards; I was “successful”。 I was head of a prosperous1 manufacturing concern and I led what is usually referred to as an “active” life; both socially and in business。 But it didn’t seem to me to be adding up to anything。 I was going around in circles。 I worked hard; played hard; and pretty soon I discovered I was hitting the highballs harder than I needed。 I wasn’t a candidate2 for Alcoholics Anonymous; but to be honest with myself I had to admit I was drinking more than was good for me。 It may have been out of sheer boredom。
I began to wonder what to do。 It occurred to me that I might have gotten myself too tightly wrapped up in my job; to the sacrifice of the basic but nonmaterialistic values of life。 It struck me abruptly that I was being quite selfish; that my major interest in people was in what they meant to me; what they represented as business contacts or employees; not what I might mean to them。 I remembered that as my mother sent me to Sunday school as a boy; and encouraged me to sing in the church choir; she used to tell me that the value of what she called a good Christian background was in having something to tie to。 I put in a little thought recalling the Golden Rule and some of the other first principles of Christianity。 I began to get interested in YMCA work。
It happened that just at this time we were having some bitter fights with the union at our plant。 Then one day it occurred to me:what really is their point of view; and why? I began to see a basis for their suspicions; their often chip…on…shoulder point of view; and I determined to do something about it。
We endeavored to apply―literally apply―Christian principles to our dealings with employees; to practice; for example; something of the Golden Rule。 The men’s response; once they were convinced we were sincere; was remarkable。 The effort has paid for its pains; and I don’t mean in dollars。 I mean in dividends of human dignity; of a man’s pride in his job and in the pany; knowing that he is no longer just a cog but a live personal part of it and that it doesn’t matter whether he belongs to a certain church or whether the pigmentation of his skin is light or dark。
But I can speak with most authority on how this change of attitude affected me and my personal outlook on life。 Perhaps; again; many of my friends did not notice the difference。
But I noticed it。 That feeling of emptiness; into which I was pouring cocktails out of boredom; was filling up instead with a purpose: to live a full life with an awareness and an appreciation of other people。 I do not pretend for a second that I have suddenly bee a paragon。 My faults are still legion and I know them。
But it seems to me better to have a little religion and practice it than think piously and do nothing about it。 I feel better adjusted; more mature than I ever have in my life before。 I have no fear。 I say this not boastfully but in all humility。 The actual application of Christian principles has changed my life。
如果说生活并不总是诗情画意的,但它至少是富有韵律的。根据一个人思维轨迹的路径来看,人的精神体验呈现周期性。尽管其距离、轨道的长短、运行速度、循环周期都不得而知,但是其循环性是可以肯定的。在上周或去年内心所遭受的痛苦,现在已烟消云散,但是痛苦会在下周或明年卷土重来。快乐与否与我们所经历的事情并不相干,而是取决于思维的浪潮。疾病是有节奏的,越接近死亡,其周期越短,身体恢复所需要的时间也越长。对于一件事的悲痛,昨天不堪忍受,明天也会如此。尽管今天很容易承受,可是悲痛却没有过去。甚至未解的精神痛苦的负担,也一定会给内心留下片刻的安宁。悔恨不是滞留着不去,它会再次回来。惊喜令我们快乐。如果我们能够记录下惊喜来临的路线,那么对于快乐将是期待,而不是当它到来时才发现了。没有人作过这样的观察;在人们所有内心世界的日记中,也从来没有出现过这样的周期的开普勒式记录。但是即使坎普滕的托马斯没能测算出它的周期,他也的确发现了这种周期的存在。“除此之外, 夫复何求?万事万物皆由此构成。”带着这种理念他发现,在至深的痛苦中反倒能找到快乐的逗留。快乐的时刻来临时,记忆抑制人的心灵,使迎接快乐之情更强烈,但是预感快乐将无情地消失。“你很少,很少到来。”雪莱叹息道。他叹息的不仅仅是快乐本身,而是快乐的灵魂。为我们服务,快乐可以事先被强迫使用,被调遣,被约束——埃里厄尔可以被分派去做日常工作;但是这样人为的暴行使生活变得没有了节制,而遭受如此强迫的也并非是快乐的灵魂。它在椭圆形、抛物线形或双曲线形的轨道上飞来飞去,没有人知道它与时间有着怎样的约会。