《gossip girl 4 英文》



gossip girl 4 英文- 第32部分

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 ISBN 978…0…316…04203…1 

It makes one feel rather good deciding not to be a bitch。 。 。 。 

 ?Ernest Hemingway 

The Sun Also Rises 

ABC Amber LIT Converter v2。02 

Disclaimer: All the real names of places; people; and events have been altered or abbreviated to 
protect the innocent。 Namely; me。 

 hey people! 

February is like the girl at that party I threw when my parents took a ?second honeymoon? in 
Cabo last week (I know: sad)。 You remember?the girl who puked all over the Spanish marble floor 
in the guest bathroom and then refused to leave? We had to throw her Dior saddlebag and Oscar 
de la Renta embroidered sheepskin coat into the elevator before she finally got the message。 
Unlike most places in the world; though; New York refuses to fall into a February…induced 
depression and bee a cold; gray; dismal wasteland。 At least;my New York does。 Here on the 
Upper East Side we all know the cure for the drearies: one of Jedediah Angel?s crazy…sexy party 
dresses; a pair of black satin Manolos; that new ?Ready or Not? red lipstick you can only get at 
Bendel?s; a good Brazilian bikini wax; and a generous slathering of Est?e Lauder self…tanner; in 
case your St。 Barts tan left over from Christmas break has finally faded。 Most of us are 
second…semester seniors?at last。 Our college applications are in and our schedules are light; with a 
double free period every day during which we can catch a Fashion Week runway show or head 
back to a friend?s penthouse apartment to drink skinny lattes; smoke cigarettes; and help pick out 
the evening?s screw…homework party outfit。 

Another redeeming thing about February is my all…time favorite 
should…be…a…national…no…school…holiday; Valentine?s Day。 If you already have a sweetheart; lucky 
you。 If you don?t; now?s the chance to put the moves on that hottie you?ve been drooling over all 
winter。 Who knows? You might find true love; or at least true lust; and soonevery day will feel like 
Valentine?s Day。 Either that or you can just sit at home IMing sad; anonymous notes to people and 
eating heart…shaped chocolates until you can?t fit into your favorite pair of Seven jeans anymore。 
It?s up to you。 。 。 。 


SandA holding hands and wandering slowly downFifth Avenue to the bar at thepton Hotel ; 
where they can be seen most Friday nights; quaffingRed Bull andVeuve Clicquot cocktails and 
chuckling to themselves with the heady knowledge that they are without a doubt the hottest couple 
in the room。B refusing to go insideVeronique ?a maternity store on Madison?with her glowingly 
pregnant mom。D andV wearing matching black turtlenecks; their legs intertwined as they watched 
that twisted; depressingKen Mogul film downtown at theAngelika。 They?re two morbid; artistic; 
weirdo peas in a pod?so insanely perfect for each other; you want to shout at them; ?Hey; what 
took you solong ?!?J on the Ninety…sixth Street crosstown bus; carefully studying a billboard for 

breast…reduction surgery。 I?d definitely go for it if I were in her double…D cups 。 。 。 um; I mean 
shoes。 The ever…adorableN playing a stoned game of ice…hockey golf with his buddies atSky Rink 。 
He doesn?t seem to mind being girlfriendless。 It?s not like he?ll have any trouble finding a new 
one。 。 。 。 

And finally:Who?s getting in early?? 

This week an annoying little group of us is going to find out whether or not we got early 
admission to the top colleges in the country。 This is it。 There?s no more time for our parents to 
build another new wing on the library。 No time to bribe another esteemed alum into sending the 
dean of admissions a letter of remendation。 No time to star in another school play。 The 
envelopes are already in the mail。 

I?d like to take a moment to point out that the decision is pletely arbitrary because basically 
we?re all perfect specimens。 We?re gorgeous; intelligent; well mannered and eloquent; with 
influential parents and perfect transcripts (except for the occasional blip; like getting kicked out of 
boarding school or having to take the SATs eight times)。 

I?d also like to give a word of advice to those of us whodo get in early: Try not to talk about ittoo 
much; okay? The rest of us have a couple more months of waiting to do; and if you want to get 
invited out with us; you?d better not even mention the wordsIvy League in our presence。 Our 
parents do that quite enough already; thank you very much。 Not that it?s a sore subject or 

I think it?s safe to say we?re all suffering from late…winter waiting…to…hear…from…colleges cabin 
fever。 It?s time to run a little wild! Just think; the later we stay out; the quicker the days will blur 
by。 And believe me; every wicked thing we get up to will be glamorized; dissected; and blown 
totally out of proportion right here by yours truly。 Have I ever let you down? 

You know you love me。 

 gossip girl 


 Gossip Girl novels 


Chapter 1: b bonds with j over breast size 

Chapter 2: a very different kind of homework 
Chapter 3: waspoid prince tries to score 
Chapter 4: sex poems are full of lies 
Chapter 5: s is in love 
Chapter 6: b does j a little favor 
Chapter 7: as if he didn?t have it good enough already 
Chapter 8: scrawny westside poet has first taste of fame 
Chapter 9: the scoop on the stoop 
Chapter 10: n buys a dime bag 
Chapter 11: introducing the new d 
Chapter 12: s has just what they?ve been looking for 
Chapter 13: v rocks people?s worlds 
Chapter 14: j and e explore their problem areas 
Chapter 15: b has hots for older man 
Chapter 16: kindred spirits connect in rehab 
Chapter 17: s wears her love like a baby tee 
Chapter 18: way better than naked 
Chapter 19: v poses as a poser 
Chapter 20: just like that scene in titanic 
Chapter 21: some like it hot 
Chapter 22: s can?t find her boyfriend; but so what? 
Chapter 23: romancing the stoner 

Chapter 24: our bodies; ourselves 
Chapter 25: the next keats meets his next muse 
Chapter 26: the girl behind the camera 
Chapter 27: audrey keeps her clothes on 
Chapter 28: some girls have all the fun 
Chapter 29: experimentation may be overrated 
Chapter 30: n facilitates recovery of messed…up orphan heiress 
Chapter 31: the icing on b?s cake 
Chapter 32: apathy vs。 poetry 
Chapter 33: girls go gaga over secret admirers 
Chapter 34: hugs; not drugs 
Chapter 35: v…day turned d…day for b 
Chapter 36: lifestyles of the rich and famous 
Chapter 37: l is for love 
Chapter 38: v turns down chance to film deposing fish bodies! 
Chapter 39: s reinvents the tear 
Chapter 40: rehab is the new spa 
Chapter 41: for the sake of her art 
Chapter 42: diva makes her entrance 
Chapter 43: what we talk about when we?re not talking about love 

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