


制高点- 第21部分

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  BORIS YELTSIN; President; Russia; 1991…1999: We need millions of property owners; not just a few millionaires。 All Russian citizens; workers; pensioners; and small children will be given privatization vouchers worth 10;000 rubles。
  俄罗斯总统(1991…1999)鲍里斯。叶利钦(Boris Yeltsin):我们需要成百上千万的所有者,而不仅仅是几个百万富翁,所有的俄罗斯市民、工人、老人及儿童都将按人头每人获得一张价值1万卢布的私有化产权凭证。
  NARRATOR: There was a problem: Not one pany was ready to be privatized。
  BORIS JORDAN; President; The Sputnik Group: They had distributed 144 million vouchers to the people; but had no practical idea on how to get panies through the privatization process and actually into public hands; away from the state。
  Sputnik集团(Sputnik Group)总裁鲍里斯。乔丹(Boris Jordan):他们总计给民众发放了一亿四千万张产权凭证,但却没有具体的措施来使企业顺利渡过这样的私有化进程,并切实地把产权从政府手里转到公众手中。
  NARRATOR: The young reformers asked Boris Jordan; one of the first foreign bankers to set up shop in Moscow; to find a pany to privatize。 But they had to move fast。
  旁白:鲍里斯。乔丹(Boris Jordan)是第一个在莫斯科开设营业部的外国银行家,年轻的改革家们要求他寻找一家公司进行私有化,但他们必须行动迅速。
  BORIS JORDAN: They knew that if they didn't at least launch the program by December 9; 1992; when the Congress of People's Deputies was getting together; the munists were going to kill privatization。
  鲍里斯。乔丹(Boris Jordan):他们知道,如果他们到1992年12月9日人民代表大会开始之时,还没有开始实施这一计划的话,共产党将会扼杀私有化。
  NARRATOR: The young reformers were in a race against time。
  BORIS JORDAN: It was very tight。 If there wasn't going to be privatization; there was going to be no market economy。
  鲍里斯。乔丹(Boris Jordan):这是非常紧张的,假如不能进行私有化,就不可能有市场经济。
  NARRATOR: They narrowed the search down to a business on the edge of Moscow。 It is not exactly what Lenin would have called the manding heights; but the Bolshevik Biscuit Factory did bake Russia's favorite cookie。
  旁白:他们的目标锁住了莫斯科郊外的一个企业——布尔什维克饼干厂(Bolshevik Biscuit Factory),这样的工厂并不是列宁所说的那样的控制经济命脉的(制高点)企业,但是它们生产的饼干在全俄罗斯确实最受欢迎。
  BORIS JORDAN: We had to; I wouldn't say bribe …… we had to incentivize them。 We gave managers of their factories and the employees of the factories about 50 percent of the stock in the pany。 The balance of the equity would be sold in the public markets through these vouchers。 We opened up the first official auction of a Russian pany to the public on December 8; 1992。
  鲍里斯。乔丹(Boris Jordan):我们必须激励他们,我不是指贿赂,我们给企业的经理和员工们大约50%的公司股份,剩下的股权将通过产权凭证的形式在公开市场上出售,1992年12月8日,我们首次开创了俄罗斯公司面向公众的正式拍卖。
  NARRATOR: On the day of the auction; fury at the economic reforms boiled over in Parliament。 munist hard…liners forced a vote of confidence in Gaidar。
  BORIS JORDAN: I remember it very well。 We'd already opened the auction; and I was sitting in the auction center。 I was watching the television; and I watched Gaidar get removed。
  鲍里斯。乔丹(Boris Jordan):我记得非常清楚,我们已经开始了拍卖,我正坐在拍卖会场里,我看着电视,我看到盖达被解除职务。
  NARRATOR: munist opposition had forced Yeltsin to sacrifice Gaidar。 His replacement; Viktor Chernomyrdin; was a product of the old Soviet central planning system。
  旁白:共产党反对派迫使叶利钦牺牲盖达,他的继任者,维克多。切尔洛梅尔金(Viktor Chernomyrdin)是老苏维埃中央计划体制下培养出来的一个人物。
  JEFFREY SACHS: There was no doubt that after Gaidar was thrown out of the prime ministership at the end of 1992 that the level of corruption rose tremendously。
  杰裴里。萨克斯(Jeffrey Sachs):毫无疑问,自从1992年底盖达被解除总理职务以后,腐败程度变得更加恶化了。
  NARRATOR: State panies were sold off; and the trade in vouchers led to a fledgling stock exchange。 A market economy was taking hold; but it was getting off to a shaky start。
  In Moscow; speculation was rampant in what some called the ";Wild East。";
  JEFFREY SACHS: A lot of societies have corruption; but Russia had an elite that had grown up in such an amoral environment under the Soviet system that they really did believe that property is theft。 ";Okay; now we're in a private…property system; we'll steal it。"; And Russia had a lot to steal。 You had the oil; the gas; the nickel; the chromium; the diamonds; the gold …… this extraordinary bination of huge natural resource reserves; and they were in state hands。
  杰裴里。萨克斯(Jeffrey Sachs):许多社会都有腐败,但是在俄罗斯,有这样一批在苏维埃体制的没有道德规范的环境下成长起来的社会精英,他们确实认为财产就是盗窃,“好吧,现在我们处在私有产权制度下了,我们也偷一点吧。”俄罗斯有很多东西可以偷,有油,有气,有镍,有铬,有钻石,有黄金——有非常多的自然资源储备,这些原来都在国家手中。
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Chapter 19: Property Bees Theft '6:18'
第十九章: 国有财产被侵吞了
  NARRATOR: The biggest panies; the major industries were still controlled by their all…powerful managers; former Soviet ";apparatchiks"; known as the Red Directors。 They were utterly opposed to the young reformers and privatization。 The only way to privatize the manding heights of the Russian economy was to wrest control away from the Red Directors。
  旁白:最大的公司,主要的企业仍然被它们的全权经理们控制着,这些人是前苏维埃的信徒,被称为红色领导人(Red Directors),他们彻底反对年轻一辈的改革家,反对私有化,将俄罗斯的经济制高点私有化的唯一出路是剥夺这些红色领导人的控制权。
  GRIGORY YAVLINSKY: In Eastern Europe; the real democratic revolution happened。 it was a real replacement of the political elite。 In Russia; the same people changed their jackets and changed the portraits in the rooms; and instead of saying ";munism"; and ";Lenin"; and ";Five…Year Plan"; started to say ";market;"; ";democracy;"; ";freedom。";
  格里格利。叶维林斯基(Grigory Yavlinsky):在东欧,进行的是真正的民主革命。在那里,真正地取代了政治势力;而在俄罗斯,同一个人只需要换一下衣服和房间里的挂像就可以改头换面了,他们只需要把“共产主义”、“列宁”、“五年计划”等等这样一些字眼换成“市场”、“民主”、“自由”就行了。
  ANATOLY CHUBAIS: I do remember one of the first meetings with the directors; which was very tough; very tough。 They hate the language we speak; they hate the face we have。 They hate everything which was connected with us。 These guys were the real owners of the country。 I was fighting for the real manding heights in terms of who runs the economy。 Who runs the economy; market or the Soviet directors?
  阿那特利。丘拜斯(Anatoly Chubais):我清楚地记得首次与这些企业领导们会面时的情景,真是非常非常困难,他们痛恨我们说话的方式,他们痛恨我们的长相,他们痛恨一切与我们有关的东西,这些人是国家的真正所有者,我们为了获得真正的制高点就谁主宰经济的问题作着斗争,谁主宰经济:市场还是苏维埃的企业领导们?
  NARRATOR: The vast factory plex at Norilsk was to bee a major battleground between the Red Directors and a new kind of Russian。 Vladimir Potanin was a buccaneering businessman who quit his job in the foreign ministry and within a few years built a small trading pany into one of Russia's leading banks。
  旁白:在诺里尔斯克(Norilsk)这一庞大的综合工业基地将成为红色领导人(Red Director)和新俄罗斯人斗争的主要阵地。弗拉基米尔。波大林(Vladimir Potanin)是一个海盗式的商人,他辞去了在外交部的职务,建立了一个小贸易公司,并在几年之内把这家公司变成了俄罗斯最大的银行之一。
  VLADIMIR POTANIN; President; Interros Holding pany: I decided to bee a businessman at the moment when I understood that it is possible。 I grew in a country where it was not possible; and there existed even a special article in a penal court of the Soviet Union which banished entrepreneuring activity。
  Interros控股公司(Interros Holding pany)总裁弗拉基米尔。波大林(Vladimir Potanin):当我意识到有可能了时,我决定要成为一名商人,我生长在一个不可能做这件事的国家,在苏联的刑事法庭中甚至存在一个特别的条款用以处罚创业性活动。
  NARRATOR: Potanin's next venture would lead some to see him as an inspired entrepreneur; others as a robber baron。 In 1995 he decided to make a play for Norilsk Nickel; but to take over Norilsk meant going up against one of the most powerful of the old Red Directors; Anatoly Filatov。
  旁白:波大林(Potanin)接下来成立的公司使得一部分人认为他是一名优秀的企业家,而另一部分人则把他看作是强盗资本家:1995年,他决定参与经营诺里尔斯克镍厂(Norilsk Nickel),但是,接管镍厂意味着要反对一个最有影响力的红色领导人(Red Directors)——阿那多尼。菲勒多夫(Anatoly Filatov)。
  BORIS JORDAN: Filatov of Norilsk; the hardest guy; one of the most powerful men in Russia。 Potanin; who was at that time a relatively unknown person in this country; went up against this guy。 Norilsk Nickel was the test case。
  鲍里斯。乔丹:诺里尔斯克的菲勒多夫(Filatov)是最难对付的家伙,他是俄罗斯最有影响的人物之一,波大林(Potanin)那时候在这个国家还不起眼,他站起来反对这个人,诺里尔斯克镍厂(Norilsk Nickel)成了一个考验。
  NARRATOR: Potanin needed allies。 These were the richest of the new entrepreneurs。 They came to be known and hated as ";the oligarchs。";
  VLADIMIR POTANIN: By 1995; we had new business elite who in my opinion were efficient owners and qualified managers; but they had no property in their hands。 That's why it was the struggle between old Red Directors and new managers who gained their money let's say themselves。
  弗拉基米尔。波大林(Vladimir Potanin):到1995年,我们已经有了新的商业精英,在我看来这些人都是非常有效率的所有者和训练有素的经理,但是他们手里没有财产,他们只能通过自己赚钱,这就是为什么在老红色领导人(Red Directors)和新生代的经理们之间要进行斗争的原因,
  NARRATOR: To break the power of the Red Directors; the oligarchs needed political support。
  旁白:要冲破红色领导人(Red Directors)的力量,寡头们需要政治上的支持。
  VLADIMIR POTANIN: It was politically very difficult to withdraw this power from the Red Directors。 Even the government and even Chubais were not strong enough to win easily this struggle。
  弗拉基米尔。波大林(Vladimir Potanin):要想把权力从红色领导人(Red Directors)手中收回来,在政治上是非常困难的,即使是政府,即使是丘拜斯(Chubais)本人也无法轻易地赢得这场斗争。
  NARRATOR: It looked as if the munists were going to win the uping 1996 presidential elections。 Yeltsin and the reformers had to find a way to stop them。
  LILIA SHEVTSOVA: In the beginning of 1996; Yeltsin enjoyed only 5 percent of popularity。 He definitely needed financial assistance; financial 
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