


制高点- 第24部分

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  WORKER: I don't know。 Why have we been doing that?
  NARRATOR: But at a meeting with Wall Street financiers; Clinton had discussed a different agenda; an agenda some of his core supporters adamantly opposed。 Financial markets wanted to rein in government spending; cut the deficit; and embrace free trade。 Without these policies; they thought America's economy wouldn't recover。 Over dinner in an exclusive restaurant; Clinton tried to persuade some of Wall Street's most seasoned executives that he saw the world as they did。
  ROBERT RUBIN; Co…chairman; Goldman Sachs; 1990…1992; ; 1995…1999: My view was that the threshold economic issue for our country was to restore fiscal discipline after a long; long time during which fiscal discipline had eroded。
  罗伯特鲁宾; 高盛公司,联合主席,1990…1992;美国财长,1995…1999:我认为,我国的首要经济问题是:如何在财政秩序被长期损害以后恢复财政秩序。
  Onscreen caption: The 4 trillion in debt。
  字幕:美国政府债务数字:4 万亿(美元)
  BILL CLINTON: I could see that Rubin and the others that were there in this rather dark place where we had dinner at night were kind of looking and saying; ";Well; you know; can this guy from Arkansas be president? Could he possibly know enough about the economy to do it?";
  ROBERT RUBIN: After that meeting I thought to myself that this was a man who cared about what I at least thought we needed to care a great deal about。 Now; on the issue of trade; he clearly believed in trade liberalization; and that clearly has been a dividing line in the Democratic Party。 It was then; and it is now。
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Chapter 3: NAFTA: The First Test '5:28'
第三章:北美自由贸易区: 第一次实验
  NARRATOR :Trade became an issue in the 1992 presidential campaign。 Republican president George Bush had negotiated a treaty that would allow unrestricted flows of trade and investment between the ; Canada; and Mexico。
  旁白: 贸易问题成为1992年总统大选的一个问题,共和党总统乔治布什已经谈好了一项条约:在美国、加拿大和墨西哥之间允许自由贸易和投资流动。
  Onscreen title: NAFTA: North American Free Trade Agreement
  For its supporters; trade embodies an idea: that open markets create wealth; bind nations together; and help construct a more prosperous …… and a more secure …… world。 NAFTA put that idea to a political test。 In America; it was the first great debate of the globalization era。
  Onscreen title: 1992 presidential debate
  ROSS PEROT; Reform Party Presidential Candidate; 1992: You have to admit that NAFTA; the Mexican trade agreement; where they pay people a dollar an hour; have no health care; no retirement; no pollution controls; etc。; etc。; etc。; you're going to hear a giant sucking sound of jobs being pulled out of this country。
  ROSS PEROT,改革党总统候选人,1992:你不得不承认:根据北美自由贸易协定、墨西哥贸易协定,在墨西哥,小时工资只有一美元,没有健康护理,没有退休保障,不对污染进行控制,等等,等等,你将会听到大量的工作被吸引出这个国家的巨大声音。
  GEORGE BUSH;  President; 1989…1993: Ross says with great conviction that he opposes the North American Free Trade Agreement。 I am for the North American Free Trade Agreement。 My problem with Governor Clinton is that one day he says he's for it; the other he wants to make some changes。 When you're president of the United States; you cannot have this pattern of saying ";I'm for it; but I'm on the other side。";
  BILL CLINTON: I am the one who's on the middle on this。 Mr。 Perot says it's a bad deal; Mr。 Bush says it's a hunky…dory deal。 I say it does more good than harm if we can get the Mexicans to live up to their own labor standards; their own environmental standards; and if we have genuine protection for workers displaced in America。
  比尔克林顿:关于这个问题,我正好站在中间, Perot先生说这个协定是件坏事,布什先生说这是件好事。而我说,如果我们能使墨西哥人符合他们自己的劳动标准、他们自己的环境标准而且我们能真正的保护工人不受失业之害,那么,这个协议利大于弊。
  NARRATOR: Once in office; Bill Clinton's economic policy was aimed squarely at restoring the confidence of financial markets。 His first term was dominated by the battle to reduce the deficit。
  On trade; the president changed his position; and announced he would wholeheartedly support NAFTA as it stood。
  ROBERT RUBIN: President Clinton gave a speech in the East Room at the White House that set out how he wanted to discuss NAFTA with the American people。 It was really quite a remarkable speech。 He talked about NAFTA in a much broader context。 He talked about NAFTA in the context of the rapid changes taking place in the global economy; not only from trade; but from technological development; spread of market…based economics。
  BILL CLINTON: This debate about NAFTA is a debate about whether we will embrace these changes and create the jobs of tomorrow; or try to resist these changes hoping we can preserve the economic structures of yesterday。 Nothing we do in this great Capitol can change the fact that people can move money around in the blink of an eye。 I tell you; my fellow Americans; that if we learned anything from the collapse of the Berlin Wall and the fall of the governments of Eastern Europe; even a totally controlled society cannot resist the winds of change that economics and technology and information flow have imposed in this world of ours。
  NARRATOR: To some of his supporters; the president's change of heart on NAFTA was nothing less than a sellout。
  THEA LEE; Assistant Director for International Economics; AFL…CIO: The AFL…CIO; the labor movement in the United States; opposed NAFTA as it stood because we saw that as a corporate…dominated trade and investment agreement; one that served the interests of multinational corporations; that improved their flexibility; their mobility; their clout。 And at the same time NAFTA did nothing to protect the rights of workers to form unions; to bargain collectively; and to really raise their voices in the political system so that workers could be formidable countervailing power to multinational corporations。 I think Clinton did sell out his traditional blue…collar supporters on the NAFTA issue; and a lot of people haven't forgiven him for that。
  THEA LEE; 国际经济组织的助理总监; AFL…CIO:AFL…CIO——美国劳工运动——反对北美自由贸易协定,因为我们认为:这是一个以公司为导向的贸易和投资协定,完全服务于跨国公司的利益,提高了它们的灵活性、流动性和影响。而同时,北美自由贸易协定没有任何内容来保护工人组织工会、集体谈判的权利,也不能真正提高工人在政治体系中的声音,因为如果那样,工人的力量就会非常强大,足以和跨国公司抗衡。我认为,在这个问题上,克林顿没有出卖传统的蓝领工人支持者,而许多人们不能原谅这一点。
  BILL CLINTON: Our adversaries tried to make it look like the whole American establishment's on one side and the little guys are on the other。 And they could; you know; stir that fear factor; and it was a tough sell。 It was a tough sell。
  NEWT GINGRICH; Speaker;  House of Representatives; 1995…1999: I thought it was the most of courageous act of his presidency; and we worked with him very hard。 The Republicans in the House provided a much bigger percentage of the votes than the Democrats did。
  NEWT GINGRICH; 发言人; 美国下议院,1995…1999: 我认为,这是在他总统任期期间最勇敢的举动,和他一起做工作,我们也非常困难,因为议院中的共和党的投票权远远超过民主党。
  NARRATOR: Sixty percent of congressional Democrats voted against NAFTA。 It passed only with Republican support。

Chapter 4: Crossing Borders '3:30'
第四章: 跨越国界
  Onscreen caption: Tijuana; Mexico
  After NAFTA became law; thousands of foreign panies built factories in Northern Mexico; exporting goods to the American market just a few miles away。 Eighty percent of all televisions sold in the 
  MARIA ISABEL; Factory Worker; Tijuana; Mexico: I have two children。 In the South I didn't have a job and couldn't give my children what they need。 I left them behind with relatives and came here to find work。 I found a job in a television factory。 I earn enough to send some money home to my children。 I couldn't do that before。
  MARIA ISABEL; 工厂工人; Tijuana; 墨西哥:我有两个孩子。在南部,我没有工作,不能给我的孩子提供他们需要的东西,我将他们托付给亲戚,来到这里找工作。我在一家电视机厂里找到了一份工作,我挣到了足够的钱寄给我的孩子,在以前,我可没有这个能力。
  JORGE CASTANEDA; Foreign Minister of Mexico: This is a country of about over 100 million people。 There is no question that those 10 to 12 million people who live in the North and the border area are not doing badly by 
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