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  KARL OTTO POHL: Ludwig Erhard; a legendary man; he decided; without asking anybody and against the will of the American occupation powers; he decided to give up all price controls。
  KARL OTTO POHL:在没有征求任何人意见和违背美国占领当局的意愿的情况下,路德维希?埃哈德这位传奇人物决定废除所有价格控制。
  NARRATOR: Next day; Gen。 Lucius Clay; the man in charge of occupied Germany; demanded to know what Erhard thought he was doing。
  ALFRED BOSCH: Clay said; ";What have you done? You have changed the Allied price controls。"; Erhard replied; ";Herr General; I haven't changed them; I've abolished them。"; And Clay said; ";My advisors tell me it is a big mistake。"; Erhard replied; ";Herr General; my advisors tell me the same thing。";
  ALFRED BOSCH:克莱说:“你做了什么?你改动了盟国的价格控制。”埃哈德回答说:“将军先生,我没有改动他们,我废除了他们。”克莱说:“我的顾问告诉我这是一个大错误。”埃哈德又回答到:“将军先生,我自己的顾问也这么说。”
  NARRATOR: Overnight the black market disappeared。 People stopped hoarding; and goods not seen for 10 years went on sale。
  MILTON FRIEDMAN: It started the markets working; with free prices。 Instead of nothing being in the windows of the shops; everything started to e up。 And that began the German economic miracle。
  NARRATOR: Germany's ";social market economy"; bined free markets with a strong welfare state。 Within a few years; Germany's social market economy overtook Britain's more planned economy。
  But back then; nobody wanted to model themselves on Germany。 Most countries preferred to plan their economies。
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Chapter 10: India's Way '3:51'
  Onscreen title: New Delhi; 1947
  NARRATOR: India; the jewel in the crown of the British Empire; the very symbol of imperialism; celebrated its freedom。 Mahatma Gandhi was the father of independence。 His economic ideal was a simple India of self…sufficient villages。 Pandhit Nehru; the first prime minister; wanted to industrialize and bine British parliamentary democracy with Soviet…style central planning。
  JAIRAM RAMESH; Senior Economic Advisor to India's Congress Party; 1991…1998: In the 1950s India was the Mecca of all economists。 You talk of any economist in the world; and they were advising the Indian government。 And the advice was; you must have a state…led model of industrial growth; the public sector must occupy what came to be called the manding heights of the economy。 And that's why steel; coal; machine tools; capital goods; all the areas of heavy industry were in the public sector and not in the private sector。
  JAIRAM RAMESH,印度国大党的高级经济顾问,1991-1998年:五十年代,印度是所有经济学家的麦加。世界各地的经济学家都在给印度政府提建议。而建议就是必须实行政府主导的工业增长模式。公共部门必须占领被经济制高点。所以钢铁、煤炭、机械和资本货物等所有重工业部门必须是公共部门而不能是私人部门。
  NARRATOR: Nehru put his faith in technology。
  MANMOHAN SINGH; Minister of Finance; 1991…1996: Nehru was a rational thinker; and he wanted to apply science and technologies to solve the great mass poverty that prevailed at the time of independence。
  辛格(MANMOHAN SINGH),财政部长,1991-1996年:尼赫鲁是理性的思想家。他想运用科学和技术来解决争取国家独立时期普遍存在的、触目惊心的贫困问题
  NARRATOR: Under Nehru; central planning became a form of science。
  MEGHNAD DESAI; Professor; London School of Economics: Nehru was always recruiting intellectuals in India on his side in the cause of planning。 And there was this genius statistician; Mahalanobis; who was head of the Indian Statistical Institute。
  MEGHNAD DESAI,伦敦经济学院教授:尼赫鲁为了编制计划一直在印度招募支持他的知识分子,其中有一位天才的统计学家-马哈拉诺比斯,他是印度统计学学会的首脑。
  NARRATOR: Nehru asked Mahalanobis to think about how to plan an economy。 The brilliant Mahalanobis succeeded in expressing the entire Indian economy in a single mathematical formula。
  VOICE OF MAHALANOBIS: Let YT equal national ine; CT equal consumption; and KT equal investment at time; open bracket; open bracket; one plus lambda K beta K; closed bracket; minus one; are fractions of investment allocated to industries producing capital goods; that is K sector and consumer goods at C sector; respectively。
  NARRATOR: People believed this perfect mathematical model could be applied in a less…than…perfect world。
  MEGHNAD DESAI: And at that time; Mahalanobis's model was hailed as one of the pioneering mathematical models for planning a mixed economy。 And that made Mahalanobis very influential。
  MEGHNAD DESAI:那时候马哈拉诺比斯的模型作为为混合经济编制计划的先进模型受到尊崇,而马哈拉诺比斯也因此而非常有影响力。
  NARRATOR: India became the model of economic development for newly independent nations。 Across the developing world; socialism; planning; government control; regulation; and ownership …… these became the gospel。 All over Africa; people looked to socialism to lead them out of poverty。 Across South America; governments chose state control as the way to modernize。 The apparent success of munist countries like the Soviet Union and China seemed to show the way。

Chapter 11: Chicago Against The Tide '7:32'
  Onscreen title: Chicago; 1950
  NARRATOR: By 1950; Hayek's market economics were so pletely out of fashion that when he sought a full…time academic job in the United States; only one university was willing to hire him。
  SAM PELTZMAN; Professor; University of Chicago: Chicago has always been an exceptional place; out of the mainstream。 Chicago is geographically isolated。 This affects Chicago's intellectual influence in many more areas than economics。
  SAM PELTZMAN,芝加哥大学教授:芝加哥一直都是一个特殊的地方,置身于主流之外。芝加哥的地理位置孤立,这影响了它在包括经济学在内的许多领域中的影响。
  NARRATOR: The University of Chicago's intellectual influence would grow。 Eight professors and another 11 economists from Chicago went on to win Nobel Prizes。 Gary Becker is one of them。
  GARY BECKER; Professor of Economics; University of Chicago: When I came as a graduate student to Chicago 1951; I was flabbergasted by how stimulating the atmosphere was。 I had been a very good student at Princeton。 My first day in Friedman's class he raised a question。 I answered。 He said; ";That's no answer; that's just rephrasing the question。"; That was the example of how blunt people were。
  MILTON FRIEDMAN: Nobody was very polite。 People were interested in ideas and argument and not in making sure you didn't ruffle anybody's feathers。
  ARNOLD HARBERGER; Professor Emeritus; University of Chicago: If you're sitting in a seminar room and somebody up there is saying something which if imbibed by your students who are sitting in that same room is going to lead them astray; it's up to you to call that guy right now and not later; and that; I think; is sort of the spirit that prevailed in the Chicago workshop system。 There wasn't that much fighting in the lunches。 They were pretty cordial。 (laughs)
  ARNOLD HARBERGER,芝加哥大学荣誉退休教授:如果你参加讨论会时发现上面讲话的那个人讲的内容如果被参加讨论会的学生接受的话会将他们引入歧途,那你就应该叫那个家伙立刻停止,而且我想那就是芝加哥学术会议系统中普遍存在的精神。午饭时也有战斗,他们是很好的兴奋剂。(笑)
  NARRATOR: Lunches at the Quadrangle Club were famous for the intensity of intellectual discussion。 And one man came to dominate those debates。
  GEORGE SHULTZ; Dean of the Chicago Graduate School of Business; 1962 … 1968: Somehow Milton managed to set the agenda of argument; and so there was a saying; ";Everybody loves to argue with Milton; particularly when he isn't there;"; because he's a good arguer。
  GEORGE SHULTZ,芝加哥大学研究生商学院的院长,1962-1968年:不知为什么,米尔顿能够成功地设定讨论议程,而且还有一句谚语:“每个人都喜欢和米尔顿争论,尤其是当他不在的时候。”因为他是一个好很好的辩论者。
  NARRATOR: Milton Friedman was being the most articulate spokesman for the so…called Chicago School of economics。
  旁白:Milton Friedman正成为所谓的芝加哥学派最有表达能力的代表人物。
  MILTON FRIEDMAN: The Chicago School meant a strong belief in minimal government and an emphasis on free market as a way to control the economy。
  LAWRENCE SUMMERS; President; Harvard University: You know; in many ways Milton Friedman was a devil figure in my youth in our household of Keynesian economists because he seemed; with his emphasis on individualism; freedom; and markets; to be so unconcerned with fairness。
  LAWRENCE SUMMERS,哈佛大学校长:你知道,我年轻时在信仰凯恩斯主义的经济学家中,Milton Friedman在很多方面都是一个恶魔,因为他强调利己主义、自由和市场,看起来是如此地不考虑公平。
  NARRATOR: Liberals may have
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