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chickens。 Instead of controlling inflation; they were creating shortages。
  NARRATOR: And prices just kept on rising。
  MILTON FRIEDMAN: The last time I saw Nixon in the Oval Office; with George Shultz; President Nixon said to me; ";Don't blame George for this silly business of wage and price control;"; meaning George Shultz。 And I said to him; ";Oh; no; Mr。 President; I don't blame George; I blame you!";
  弗里德曼:我最后一次在总统办公室里看见尼克松时,还有George Shultz,尼克松总统对我说:“不要为这个愚蠢的工资和价格管制责备乔治,”而我则说:“噢,不,总统先生,我不责怪乔治;我责怪你!”

Chapter 13: A Mixed Economy Flounders '8:36'
  Onscreen title: London; 1973
  NARRATOR: Britain's mixed economy; so widely imitated; was in similar trouble。 It; too; was facing the deadly bination of unemployment and inflation。 In theory; the Conservative prime minister Ted Heath and his Cabinet believed in markets。 In practice; like Nixon; they made a sharp U…turn and used wage and price controls to bat stagflation。
  旁白:被广为仿效的英国混合经济面临同样的困境,也面临着失业和通货膨胀的致命组合。理论上,保守党首相Ted Heath和他的内阁相信市场;但实际上,与尼克松一样,他们做了180度的转弯,用工资和价格管制来与滞胀作斗争。
  KENNETH BAKER; Conservative Minister; 1981…1992: I was a junior minister in Ted Heath's government; and I remember having to attend meetings with three or four other ministers where we would actually decide the level of charges plumbers would charge next week to repair taps and how much taxi drivers could charge for fares and how much hairdressers should get in wages。 It was absolutely unbelievable。 It all came to a very sticky end; a plete collapse。
  KENNETH BAKER,保守党大臣,1981-1992年:我是Ted Heath的内阁大臣,我记得我和其他三个和四个大臣们参加了一些会议,在那些会上我们必须决定下周水管工人应为修水管收多少钱、出租车司机应向乘客收取多少费用以及理发师该拿多少工资。这绝对令人难以置信。所有这些都已悲惨的下场结尾-彻底的崩溃。
  NARRATOR: A coal miners' strike and an oil crisis plunged the country into darkness。 Voters blamed Ted Heath and voted the Conservatives out of office。
  旁白:煤矿工人罢工和石油危机时英国陷入了黑暗之中。选民们归咎于Ted Heath并把保守党赶出了政府。
  SHOP MANAGER: Well; we're virtually out of business while the power's off。 We've got no sets that we can operate at all。
  DAVID YOUNG; Conservative Minister; 1984…1989: We were the sick man of Europe; and the English disease was the disease of strikes; which we had all over the place。 And you know; it was so bad that Herman Kahn of the Hudson Institute wrote a book called The Year 2000; and he saw many things; but the one thing he did see was that the lowest standard of living in Europe in the year 2000 would be shared between Albania and the United Kingdom。 Albania!
  DAVID YOUNG,保守党大臣,1984-1989年:我们是欧洲病人,英国病就是罢工病,这里到处都有罢工。你知道,情况如此糟糕以至于Hudson Institute的Herman Kahn写了一本名为《2000年》的书,书中他预言了很多事情,其中一件是在2000年的欧洲,生活水平最低的两个国家是阿尔巴尼亚和联合王国。阿尔巴尼亚!
  NARRATOR: A minister in the defeated government; 基思?约瑟夫 may have been an unworldly intellectual; but his search for fresh answers would change the way not only Britain but the world thought about economics and society。
  KENNETH BAKER: Keith wore a hair shirt; he beat his breast; and said we were to blame; we've got it wrong。 And he did beat his breast。 He was called a Mad Monk。
  KENNETH BAKER:基思穿着一件刚毛衬衣,拍着自己的胸膛说我们应承担责任;我们做错了。他确实捶胸顿足。他被称为“疯狂的修士”。
  KEITH JOSEPH (interviewed in 1975): I thought I was a Conservative。 I thought I was a Conservative; but all the time I was in favor of。。。 I was in favor of shortcuts to Utopia。 I was in favor of the government doing things; because I was so impatient for good things to be done。
  KENNETH BAKER: And when he appeared on television; he had a vein in his head which kept throbbing; and people said; ";Oh; you know; this is a very strange figure indeed; this man。"; But nonetheless; he started to rethink the Conservative policy。
  KENNETH BAKER:当他出现在电视上时,他头上的血管在不停跳动。人们说:“噢,你知道,事实上他是一个非常奇怪的人。”虽然如此,他仍然开始重新思考保守党的政策。
  NARRATOR: Keith Joseph's search brought him here; where; with Hayek's encouragement; a group of kindred spirits had set up a think tank called the Institute of Economic Affairs。
  RALPH HARRIS: The institute started in 1957; you could say the direct result of the Mont Pelerin Society; of The Road to Serfdom; of Hayek's ideas of freedom and petitive enterprise。
  NARRATOR: With the zeal of a convert; Joseph began to preach the virtues of free markets。 In a series of pamphlets; he went on the intellectual offensive; attacking the mixed economy; making the case for capitalism。
  Mark Garnett is a biographer of Keith Joseph。
  Mark Garnett是基思。约瑟夫的传记作者。
  MARK GARNETT; Biographer of Keith Joseph: From the middle of 1974 Joseph undertakes a crusade to convert the country to his way of thinking; and what he wants to do is take the battle to the heart of the enemy camp; and he believed that the universities were infected with socialist thinking。
  MARK GARNETT,基思。约瑟夫的传记作者:从1974年中期开始,约瑟夫进行了一次十字军东征向整个国家宣扬他的思想;他想做的是把战斗推进到敌人的心脏地带;他相信大学已经被社会主义思想所腐蚀。
  KEITH JOSEPH: Because there was a free society in this country。。。。
  CECIL PARKINSON; Conservative Minister; 1981…1983; 1987…1989: And he was going right into the lions' den; arguing a case that many people had never heard before。
  CECIL PARKINSON,保守党大臣,1981-1983年:他直入虎穴,辩论很多人已经从未听过的话题。
  MARK GARNETT: Joseph felt that it was his duty to fight back on behalf of the free market。
  MARK GARNETT:约瑟夫觉得代表自由市场进行战斗是他的责任。
  NARRATOR: To revive the economy; Joseph preached that Britain needed more risk…taking; which meant more bankrupts and more millionaires; and less equality。
  CECIL PARKINSON: The audience would sort of gasp。 They'd never heard anybody challenging the consensus。
  CECIL PARKINSON:听众将有些惊讶。他们从未听过有人挑战主流意见。
  KEITH JOSEPH: Mild inflation seemed a painless way of maintaining full employment; encouraging growth; and expanding the social services。 So the result is that we're now more socialist in many ways than any other developed country outside the munist bloc。
  RALPH HARRIS: He used to be smuggled in the back door。 He was genuinely hurt that the students had reacted to this penetrating argument by chucking flour bombs at him。
  MARK GARNETT: It was almost a badge of honor that he would e away from these meetings with egg yolk running down his suit。
  MARK GARNETT:他离开会场时衣服上带着打破的鸡蛋,这几乎成了他的荣誉勋章。
  NARRATOR: Keith Joseph's most significant adherent was an up…and…ing Conservative politician named Margaret Thatcher。 In Parliament and politics; Thatcher's closest friends agree that Keith Joseph's influence on her was crucial。
  NIGEL VINSON; Institute of Economic Affairs: She relied on him to give her deep intellectual support。 There's nothing wrong with intuition。 Intuition is reason in a hurry; and Keith just supported and reinforced her intuition。 At the very moment; she needed that support。
  NIGEL VINSON,经济问题研究所:她依靠他来获取深度的思想支持。直觉没有错,直觉是理由,而基思恰恰支持和加强了她的直觉。在非常深刻,她需要这种支持。
  NARRATOR: Margaret Thatcher had a gut instinct for market economics。 Her father had been a grocer; and when she was a girl; she had helped him in the shop。 Hardworking and studious; she won a place at Oxford University; where she became interested in student politics。
  While she was at Oxford; she read Hayek's Road to Serfdom。 It made a lasting impression on her。 Years later; when she became the first woman to lead the Conservative Party; she once slammed Hayek's book down on a table and announced; ";This is what we believe。";
  RALPH HARRIS: (laughs) Thatcher's office came on and said could she e and drop in to see him。 And so she called by; and there was a period of unaccustomed silence from Margaret Thatcher as she sat there; intense; attending to the master's words。
  NARRATOR: By 1974; Hayek sensed the world beginning to go his way。
  FRIEDRICH VON HAYEK (interviewed in 1978): As for the movement of intellectual opinion is concerned; it is now for the first time in my life moving in the right direction。
  Onscreen title: Stockholm; 1974
  NARRATOR: In the battle of ideas; 1974 was a turning point。 Hayek's Nobel Prize came as a surprise; but the balance was now shifting away from Keynes and towards Hayek。
  FRIEDRICH VON HAYEK: I like to say when I was a young man; only the
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