


制高点- 第9部分

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  FRIEDRICH VON HAYEK: I like to say when I was a young man; only the very old men still believed in the free…market system。 When I was in my middle ages I myself and nobody else believed in it。 And now I have the pleasure of having lived long enough to see that the young people again believe in it。 And that is a very important change。

Chapter 14: Deregulation Takes Off '7:29'
  Onscreen title: Chicago; 1974
  Chicago School economists had always argued that rigid government regulations were keeping prices high and fueling inflation。 Now more people began to wonder if petition could break the inflationary stranglehold。
  SAM PELTZMAN: What is the effect of regulating the airlines? What is the effect of regulating the trucking industry? And what is the effect of regulating the railroad industry? Very often; it raises prices。 Instead of allowing petition; it suppresses petition。
  SAM PELTZMAN:管制航线的影响是什么?管制火车运输业的影响是什么?管制铁路的影响是什么?管制常常引起价格上涨。与允许竞争相反,它抑制了竞争。
  Onscreen title: Washington; ; 1974
  NARRATOR: In the airline industry; the host of regulations enacted during the Great Depression were still in force。 It was a classic example of regulated capitalism。 But deregulation was in the air。
  Stephen Breyer; now a Supreme Court justice; then a Harvard professor; was asked by liberal Democratic senator Ted Kennedy to head a Senate investigation of airline regulations。
  现任最高法院法官的Stephen Breyer那时是哈佛大学的一名教授,应自由主义者-民主党参议员Ted Kennedy的请求主持一项关于航空业规章制度的调查研究。
  STEPHEN BREYER; : You discovered that basically the same firms that had been there in 1938 were still there。 Those were the major carriers and nobody new。
  STEPHEN BREYER,美国最高法院法官:我们发现自从1938年以来基本就是那些公司存在,它们是主要的航空公司,没有新进入者。
  NARRATOR: The hearings began; and officials from the Civil Aeronautics Board were called to testify。
  STEPHEN BREYER: And it turned out that 5 percent of their time went to stop prices that were too high and 95 percent of their time went to stop prices that were too low; but always the effort was to keep the price high and not low。
  STEPHEN BREYER:事实证明他们5%的时间用来调整过高的价格,95%的时间用来调整过低的价格,但是调整价格的努力总是使价格处于高位而不是低位。
  NARRATOR: Naturally; the established airlines were quite happy with this arrangement。
  STEPHEN BREYER: And we'd say; ";When was the last time you granted a new route? Well?";
  STEPHEN BREYER:我们要说:“什么时候你们才最后批准新路线?啊?”
  NARRATOR: Regulations meant that major carriers like Pan Am never had to pete with newers。 But some cut…price charter flight operators wanted to break this club。 Leading the struggle against Pan Am over its profitable trans…Atlantic flights was an exuberant Englishman called Freddie Laker。
  旁白:规章制度意味着主要的航空公司,比如泛美航空公司,永远不必和新进入者竞争。但是一些打折的包机飞行经营者希望打破这个俱乐部。一位名叫Freddie Laker 的活力充沛的英国人领导了反对泛美航空公司有利可图的横跨大西洋航线的斗争。
  FREDDY LAKER: I'm Freddy Laker。 I own Laker Airways; and I'm dedicated to low…cost air travel。 With Laker you can fly round trip to the USA or Canada in one of our wide…bodied DC…10s for less than half the price of a normal economy ticket。 Look; I've got to give you a better deal …… I've got my name on every plane。
  FREDDY LAKER:我是Freddy Laker。我拥有Laker航线,致力于降低空中旅行的费用。选择Laker,你可以乘坐我们的道尔-10s飞机作到美国或者加拿大的往返飞行,而价格还不到正常经济舱机票价格的一半。看,我在每架飞机上都留下了我的名字。
  STEPHEN BREYER: The Transportation Department said that this may hurt Pan Am。 And Freddy Laker testified and said; ";The cause of this whole thing is 'Panamania。'"; So we said; ";What is that?"; And he said; ";Well; everybody should do everything for Pan Am。";
  STEPHEN BREYER:运输部认为这可能会损害泛美航空公司。Freddy Laker作证时说:“整件事的原因就是‘Panamania’。”我们问“那是什么意思?";他回答说:“噢,所有的人都应该为泛美航空公司的利益服务。”
  NARRATOR: The man who was to sweep away airline regulations is a lifelong Gilbert and Sullivan fan。 Improbably enough; the bearded poet is played by Fred Kahn; a professor at Cornell University。
  旁白:这个将要消除航线管制的男人毕生都是吉尔伯特和沙利文迷。难以相信的是,这位留胡子诗人的角色是由Fred Kahn-康奈尔大学的一位教授-来扮演的。
  Kahn wanted a leaner; meaner regulatory environment in which the market was free to chase profits without the dead weight of bloated government。 Democratic president Jimmy Carter made Kahn head of the Civil Aeronautics Board。 Kahn had spent years studying government regulation; now he had a chance to do something about it。
  ALFRED KAHN; Civil Aeronautics Board; 1977…1978: When I got to the Civil Aeronauts Board; the biggest division under me was the division of enforcement …… in effect; FBI agents who would go around and seek out secret discounts and then impose fines。 We would discipline them。 It was illegal to pete in price。 That means it was illegal to pete in the discounts you offer travel agents。 So we regulated travel agents' discounts。 Internationally; since they couldn't cut rates; they peted by having more and more sumptuous meals。 We actually regulated the size of sandwiches。
  ALFRED KAHN,民用航空局,1977-1978年:当我到民用航空局上任时,我手下最大的一个部门是强制执行部门-实际上就是FBI探员,他们四处侦察,搜出有秘密折扣行为的公司然后罚款。我们强制大家执行规定。价格竞争是违法的,这意味着在提供给旅行代办人的折扣上竞争是违法的。因此我们管制旅行代办人的折扣。国际上,既然不能降价,他们就靠越来越奢侈的食品来竞争。我们事实上管制的是三明治的大小。
  NARRATOR: By the time Kahn had finished; the 
  SPOKESMAN FOR THE CIVIL AERONAUTICS BOARD: petition is the rule; and because of it; the consumers are better served than ever。
  NARRATOR: Airline deregulation led to painful turbulence as new carriers came and went。 Like her father; Judith Hamill works in the airline industry。
  旁白:随着新航空公司的进入和推出,航空业取消管制引起了痛苦的振荡。Judith Hamill和她的父亲一样在航空业就职。
  JUDITH HAMILL; Administrator; Chicago O'Hare Airport: My dad was a jet mechanic with Braniff。 At the age of 59 he found that his skills were no longer desirable or needed。 When Braniff came back because of the duty to hire; he came back at half the salary that he had made before。 When you live by the rules and then the rules change; it's sad。
  JUDITH HAMILL,芝加哥O'Hare机场管理员:我父亲是布兰尼夫喷气飞机机师。59岁时他发现他的技术再也不需要了。当布兰尼夫因雇用义务而恢复的时候,他也回来了,但薪水只有以前的一半。当你靠规则生活而规则又发生变化的时候,那是很悲惨的。
  NARRATOR: But 20 years later; the industry was employing two times as many people to fly almost three times as many passengers。
  STEPHEN BREYER: The industry vastly underestimated the demand for airfares at lower prices; and what's happened is that as the prices went down; demand went up dramatically。
  STEPHEN BREYER:这个行业都大大低估了对低价飞机票的需求;结果,随着机票价格的下降,需求发生了引人注目的增加。
  ALFRED KAHN: And once they were free to pete; you began to get super…saver fares and super…apex fares and potato fares and peanuts fares …… an explosion of discounting and petition。 Well; those were dramatic。
  ALFRED KAHN:一旦他们可以自由竞争,你开始得到超级-救助者费、超级顶点费、马铃薯费和花生费-折扣和竞争的大爆炸。噢,这真是富有戏剧性。
  NARRATOR: The stage was set for deregulation of the ; and now these ideas were about to make their entrance in the very homeland of Gilbert and Sullivan。

Chapter 15: Thatcher Takes the Helm '3:50'
  Onscreen title: Britain; 1979
  WORKER: Well; 5 percent's no good to nobody; is it?
  INTERVIEWER: Do you think you can win this strike?
  WORKER: Yes; I do。
  NARRATOR: They called it the Winter of Discontent。 It seemed as if everyone was on strike。
  MAN: I think it stinks; like all the other damn strikes in this country run by the filthy Socialist munist unions。
  NARRATOR: The garbage men were out。 So were the ambulances。 And if you died; the gravediggers were out; too。
  NARRATOR: With the economy in apparently terminal decline; the people voted for a new Conservative government headed by Margaret Thatcher。
  LAURENCE HAYEK : Margaret Thatcher was elected prime minister on the day of my father's birthday; so he sent her this telegram from Freiburg: ";Thank you for the best present to my 80th birthday that anyone could have given me。"; A few days later she wrote back from 10 Downing Street: ";Dear Professor Hayek; I am very proud to have learned so much from you over the past few years。 I am determined that we should succeed。 If we do so; your contribution to our ultimate victory will have been immense。 Yours sincerely; Margaret Thatcher。";
  LAURENCE HAYEK:玛格丽特。撒切尔在我父亲生日那天当选为首相,于是他从弗赖堡给她发了一份电报,电报上说:“谢谢你在我八十岁生日的时候给我送来了最好的生日礼物。”几天后她从唐宁街10号发来了回信:“亲爱的哈耶克教授,我为过去这些年来从你那里学到如此多的东西感到骄傲。我决心要取得成功。如果我们真的成功了,那么你对最终胜利的贡献将是巨大的。谨启,玛格丽特。撒切尔。”
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