


交易成本经济学- 第17部分

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; “Recent Developments in Oligopoly Theory;” American Economic Review Proceedings; May 1982; 72; 12~17
  Eaton; B Curtis and Lipsey; Richard G “Capital; mitment; and Entry Equilibrium;” Bell Journal of Economics; Autumn 1981; I2; 593~604
  Fama; Eugene F and Jensen; Michael C; “Separation of Ownership and Control;” Journal of Law and Economics; June 1983; 26
  Fuller; Ion L; “Collective Bargaining and the Arbitrator;” Wisconsin Law Review; January 1963;3~46
  Galanter; Marc; “Justice in Many Rooms: Courts; Private Ordering; and Indigenous Law;” Journal of Legal Plurali*; No19; 1981;1~47
  Goldberg; Jeffrey; “A Theoretical and Econometric Analysis of Franchising;” draft; doctoral dissertation; University of Pennsylvania; 1982
  Goldberg; Victor P; “Regulation and Administered Contracts;” Bell Journal of Economics; Autumn 1976; 7; 426~48
  and Erickson; John E; “LongTerm Contracts for Petroleum Coke;” Department of Economics Working Paper Series No206; University of CaliforniaD*is; September 1982
  Gros*am; Sanford and Hart; Oliver D; “Corporate Financial Structure and Managerial Incentives;” in John J McCall;ed; The Economics of Information; Chicago: University of Chicago Press;1982;107~40
  Hirschman; Albert; “Rival Interpretations of Market Society: Civilizing; Destructive; or Feeble·”; Journal of Economic Literature; December 1982;20;1463~84
  Hurwicz; Leonid; “On Informationally Decentralized Systems;” in C B McGuire and RRadner eds; Decision and Organization; Amsterdam: NorthHolland 1972; 297~336
  ; “The Design of Mechani*s for Resource Allocation;” American Economic Review Proceedings; May 1973; 63; l~30
  Jensen; Michael and Meckling; William; “Theory of the Firm: Managerial Beh*ior; Agency Costs; and Capital Structure” Journal of Financial Economics; October 1976; 3; 305~60
  Joskow; P L and Klevorick; A K; “A Framework for Analyzing Predatory Pricing policy;” Yale Law Journal; December 1979; 89213~70
  Klein; Benjamin; “Transaction Cost Determinants of ‘Unfair’ Contractual Relations;” American Economic Review Proceedings; May 1980; 70; 356~62
  ; Crawford; RA and Alchian; A A; “Vertical Integration; Appropriable Rents; and the petitive Contracting Process;” Journal of Law and Economics; October 1978; 21; 297~326
  and Leffler; K B; “The Role of Market Forces in Assuring Contractual Performance;” Journal of Political Economy; August 1981; 89; 615~41
  Koopmans; Tjalling C; Three Essays on the State of Economic Science; New York: McGrawHill; 1957

Kreps; D*id M and Wilson; Robert; “Reputation and Imperfect Information;” Journal of Economic Theory; August 1982; 27; 253~79
  Llewellyn; Karl M; “What Price Contract·An Essay in Perspective;” Yale taw Journal; May1931; 40; 704~51
  Macaulay; Stewart; “NonContractual Relations in Business;” American Sociological Review; February 1963; 28; 55~70
  Macneil; Ian R; “The Many Futures of Contract;” University of California Law Review; May 1974; 67;691~8l6
  Masten; Scott; “Transaction Costs; Institutional Choice; and the Theory of the Firm;” unpublished doctoral dissertation; University of Pennsylvania; 1982
  Milgrom; Paul and John Roberts; “Predation; Reputation; and Entry Deterrence;” Journal of Economic Theory; August 1982; 27; 280~312
  Mnookin; Robert H and Kornhauser; “Bargaining in the Shadow of tile Law: The Case of Divorce;” Yale Law Journal; March 1979; 88;950~97
  Nelson; Richard R and Winter; Sidney G; An Evolutionary Theory of Economic Change; Cambridge: Harvard University Press; 1982
  Nozick; Robert; Anarchy; State; and Utopia; New York: Basic Books; l975
  Ordover; Janusz Aand Willig;Robert D; “An Economic Definition of Predatory Product Innovation;”in SSaIop;ed;Strategic views of Predation;Washington:Federal Trade mission; 1981; 301~96
  Palay; Thomas; “The Governance of Rail Freight Contracts:A parative Institutional Approach”unpublished doctoral dissertation;University of Pennsylvania; 1981
  Posner; Richard A; “Some Uses and Abuses of Economics in Law;” University of Chicago Law Re view; Winter 1979; 46; 281~306
  Riley; John G;(1979a) “Informational Equilibrium” Econometrica;March 1979;47; 331~53
  ; (1979b) “Noncooperative Equilibrium and Market Signaling;”American Economics Review Proceedings; May 1979; 69;303~07
  Ross; Stephen; “The Detennination of Financial Structure: The Incentive Signaling Approach;” Bell Journal of Economics; Spring 1977; 8; 23~40
  Rothschild; Michael and Stiglitz; Joseph; “Equilibrium in petitive Insurance Markets;”Quarterly Journal of Economics; November 1976; 80; 30~49
  Schelling; Thomas C; “An Essay on Bargaining”; American Economic Review; June 1956; 46 281~306
  Scherer; F M; Industrial Market Structure and Economic Performance; Chicago: Rand McNally; 1980
  Schmalensee; Richard; “Economies of Scale and Barriers to Entry;” Journal of Political Economy; December 1981; 89; 1228~38
  Sh*ell; Steven; “Damage Measures for Breach of Contract;” Bell Journal of Economics; Autumn 1980; II; 446~90 。。

Stigler George J; in President’s Task Force on Productivity and petition; reprinted in CCH Trade Regulation Reporter; No 419; June 24; 1969
  Stiglitz; Joseph; “Incentives and Risk Sharing in Sharecropping;” Review of Economic Studies; June 1974; 41;219~57
  Stocking; George W and Mueller; Willard F  “Business Reciprocity and the Size of Firms;” Journal of Business; April 1957; 30; 73~95
  Teece; D*id J; “Economics of Scope and the Scope of the Enterprise;” Journal of Economic Beh*ior and Organization; September 1980; 1; 223~45
  ; “A Transaction Cost Theory of the Multinational Enterprise;” unpublished manuscript; 1982
  Telser; LG; “A Theory of SelfEnforcing Agreements;” Journal of Business; February 1981; 53; 27~44
  Wachter; Michael and Williamson; Oliver E; “Obligational Markets and the Mechanics of Inflation;” Bell Journal of Economics; Autumn; 1978; 9; 549~71
  Williamson; Oliver E; “The Vertical Integration of Production:Market Failure Considerations;” America Economic Review Proceedings; May 1971;61;112~23
  ; Markets and Hierarchies: Analysis and Antitrust Implications; New York:Free Press;1975
  ; “Franchise Bidding for Natural Monopoliesin General and with Respect to CATV;” Bell Journal of Economics; Spring 1976; 7; 73~104
  ; “Predatory Pricing: A Strategic and Welfare Analysis;” Yale Law Journal; December 1977; 87; 284~340
  ; “TransactionCost Economics: The Governance of Contractual Relations;” Journal of Law and Economics; October 1979; 22; 233~61
  ; “The Modern Corporation: Origins; Evolution; Attributes;” Journal of Economic Literature; December 1981; 19; 1537~68
  ; (1982a) “Mitigating Contractual Hazards: Using Hostages to Support Exchange;” Discussion Paper NoI26; Center for the Study of Organizational Innovation; University of Pennsylvania April 1982
  ; (1982b) “Antitrust Enforcement: Where It is Going;” in John Cr*en; ed; Industrial Organization; Antitrust; and Public Policy; Boston: KluwerNijhoff Publishing; 1982; 41~68
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  组织成本斯科特·马斯滕(Scott E Masten)密歇根大学
  詹姆斯·米翰(James W Meehan;Jr)科尔比学院
  爱德华·斯内德(Edward A Snyder)密歇根大学
  “对各种组织安排的选择始于对每笔交易的成本的比较”这一观点是所有交易成本经济学家的基本共识。为了将实证的内容引入这一基本观点之中,理论家们开始将交易成本的大小与交易的可观测属性联系在一起(Williamson;1975;1979;Klein et al)。然而,这些尝试主要集中在导致市场交易风险加大的因素。相反,内部组织的局限性在一体化之前则主要被视为一种有待克服的障碍。
  虽然到目前为止,核心的交易成本命题都获得了实证研究的普遍支持,参见Williamson(1985)和Joskow的文献综述。1991年Oxford University出版。但是对于内部组织成本的变动同样在一体化决策中起到重要作用的承认,也暴露出上述实证研究中存在着固有缺陷。因为观测和衡量交易成本存在困难,分析家们不得不依赖于对观测特征和组织形式之间简化形式联系的估计。正如下文解释的那样,这种间接测验无法区分出观测到的组织模式是源于假设中的市场交易成本的变化还是源于体系本身,但是至今尚不清楚的是,是否成本的变动的确导致了企业选择在内部组织生产。
  Ⅱ概念性问题(Conceptual Issues)
  A交易成本观点的形式和预测(The Form and Estimation of TransactionCost Arguments)1同义反复的赘述(Tautological Formulation)
  组织形式的交易成本分析提出的假设是:交易者会选择一种能使其预期治理这种交易关系的整体成本最小化的组织安排。应该从广义上解释治理成本或组织成本,它包括交易的直接成本以及由这些成本带来的生产或者分配的低效率。 如果令I*表示所选择的制度,在两种制度……典型的内部组织Io和市场交易(Im)……之间进行选择的典型模型为 txt小说上传分享

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