《Sphere (深海圆疑) 原版小说》



Sphere (深海圆疑) 原版小说- 第13部分

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〃Yes。 Something to record the activity of the ship on its voyage。〃
〃They must have;〃 Harry said。 〃Trace the dummy cable back; you're sure to find it。 I'd like to see that recorder; too。 In fact; I would say it is crucial。〃
Norman was looking at the console; lifting up a keyboard panel。 〃Look here;〃 he said。 〃I found a date。〃
They clustered around。 There was a stamp in the plastic beneath the keyboard。 〃Intel Inc。 Made in U。S。A。 Serial No: 98004077 8/5/43。〃
〃August 5; 2043?〃
〃Looks like it。〃
〃So we're walking through a ship fifty…odd years before it's going to be built。 。。。〃
〃This is giving me a headache。〃
〃Look here。〃 Beth had moved forward from the console deck; into what looked like living quarters。 There were twenty bunk beds。
〃Crew of twenty? If it took three people to fly it; what were the other seventeen for?〃
''80'' Nobody had an answer to that。
Next; they entered a large kitchen; a toilet; living quarters。 Everything was new and sleekly designed; but recognizable for what it was。
〃You know; Hal; this is a lot more fortable than DH…8。〃
〃Yes; maybe we should move in here。〃
〃Absolutely not;〃 Barnes said。 〃We're studying this ship; not living in it。 We've got a lot more work to do before we even begin to know what this is all about。〃
〃It'd be more efficient to live here while we explore it。〃
〃I don't want to live here;〃 Harry said。 〃It gives me the creeps。〃
〃Me too;〃 Beth said。
They had been aboard the ship for an hour now; and Norman's feet hurt。 That was another thing he hadn't anticipated: while exploring a large spacecraft from the future; your feet could begin to hurt。
But Barnes continued on。

Leaving the crew quarters; they entered a vast area of narrow walkways set out between great sealed partments that stretched ahead as far as they could see。 The partments turned out to be storage bays of immense size。 They opened one bay and found it was filled with heavy plastic containers; which looked rather like the loading containers of contemporary airliners; except many times larger。 They opened one container。
〃No kidding;〃 Barnes said; peering inside。 〃What is it?〃
The food was wrapped in layers of lead foil and plastic; like NASA rations。 Ted picked one up。 〃Food from the future!〃 he said; and smacked his lips。
〃You going to eat that?〃 Harry said。
〃Absolutely;〃 Ted said。 〃You know; I once had a bottle of Dom Pérignon 1897; but this will be the first time I've ever had anything to eat from the future; from 2043。〃
''81'' 〃It's also three hundred years old;〃 Harry said。
〃Maybe you'll want to film this;〃 Ted said to Edmunds。 〃Me eating。〃
Edmunds dutifully put the camera to her eye; flicked on the light。
〃Let's not do that now;〃 Barnes said。 〃We have other things to acplish。〃
〃This is human interest;〃 Ted said。 〃Not now;〃 Barnes said firmly。
He opened a second storage container; and a third。 They all contained food。 They moved to the next storage bay and opened more containers。
〃It's all food。 Nothing but food。〃
The ship had traveled with an enormous amount of food。 Even allowing for a crew of twenty; it was enough food for a voyage of several years。
They were getting very tired; it was a relief when Beth found a button; said; 〃I wonder what this does…〃
Barnes said; 〃Beth…〃
And the walkway began to move; rubber tread rolling forward with a slight hum。
〃Beth; I want you to stop pushing every damn button you see。〃
But nobody else objected。 It was a relief to ride the walkway past dozens of identical storage bays。 Finally they came to a new section; much farther forward。 Norman guessed by now they were a quarter of a mile from the crew partment in the back。 That meant they were roughly in the middle of the huge ship。
And here they found a room with life…support equipment; and twenty hanging spacesuits。
〃Bingo;〃 Ted said。 〃It's finally clear。 This ship is intended to travel to the stars。〃
The others murmured; excited by the possibility。 Suddenly it all made sense: the great size; the vastness of the ship; the plexity of the control consoles。 。。。
〃Oh; for Christ's sake;〃 Harry said。 〃It can't have been made to travel to the stars。 This is obviously a conventional spacecraft; although very large。 And at conventional speeds; ''82'' the nearest star is two hundred and fifty years away。〃
〃Maybe they had new technology。〃
〃Where is it? There's no evidence of new technology。〃
〃Well; maybe it's…〃
〃Face the facts; Ted;〃 Harry said。 〃Even with this huge size; the ship is only provisioned for a few years: fifteen or twenty years; at most。 How far could it go in that time? Barely out of the solar system; right?〃
Ted nodded glumly。 〃It's true。 It took the Voyager spacecraft five years to reach Jupiter; nine years to reach Uranus。 In fifteen years 。。。 Maybe they were going to Pluto。〃
〃Why would anyone want to go to Pluto?〃
〃We don't know yet; but…〃
The radios squawked。 The voice of Tina Chan said; 〃Captain Barnes; surface wants you for a secure encrypted munication; sir。〃
〃Okay;〃 Barnes said。 〃It's time to go back; anyway。〃 They headed back; through the vast ship; to the main entrance。


They were sitting in the lounge of DH…8; watching the divers work on the grid。 Barnes was in the next cylinder; talking to the surface。 Levy was cooking lunch; or dinner…a meal; anyway。 They were all getting confused about what the Navy people called 〃surface time。〃
〃Surface time doesn't matter down here;〃 Edmunds said; in her precise librarian's voice。 〃Day or night; it just doesn't make any difference。 You get used to it。〃
They nodded vaguely。 Everyone was tired; Norman saw。 The strain; the tension of the exploration; had taken its toll。
''83'' Beth had already drifted off to sleep; feet up on the coffee table; her muscular arms folded across her chest。
Outside the window; three small submarines had e down and were hovering over the grid。 Several divers were clustered around; others were heading back to the divers' habitat; DH…7。
〃Looks like something's up;〃 Harry said。 〃Something to do with Barnes's call?〃
〃Could be。〃 Harry was still preoccupied; distracted。 〃Where's Tina Chan?〃
〃She must be with Barnes。 Why?〃
〃I need to talk to her。〃
〃What about?〃 Ted said。
〃It's personal;〃 Harry said。
Ted raised his eyebrows but said nothing more。 Harry left; going into D Cyl。 Norman and Ted were alone。
〃He's a strange fellow;〃 Ted said。
〃Is he?〃
〃You know he is; Norman。 Arrogant; too。 Probably because he's black。 pensating; don't you think?〃
〃I don't know。〃
〃I'd say he has a chip on his shoulder;〃 Ted said。 〃He seems to resent everything about this expedition。〃 He sighed。 〃Of course; mathematicians are all strange。 He's probably got no sort of life at all; I mean a private life; women and so forth。 Did I tell you I married again?〃
〃I read it somewhere;〃 Norman said。
〃She's a television reporter;〃 Ted said。 〃Wonderful woman。〃 He smiled。 〃When we got married; she gave me this Corvette。 Beautiful '58 Corvette; as a wedding present。 You know that nice fire…engine red color they had in the fifties? That color。〃 Ted paced around the room; glanced over at Beth。 〃I just think this is all unbelievably exciting。 I couldn't possibly sleep。〃
Norman nodded。 It was interesting how different they all were; he thought。 Ted; eternally optimistic; with the bubbling enthusiasm of a child。 Harry; with the cold; critical demeanor; the icy mind; the unblinking eye。 Beth; not so intellectual or so cerebral。 At once more physical and more ''84'' emotional。 That was why; though they were all exhausted; only Beth could sleep。
〃Say; Norman;〃 Ted said。 〃I thought you said this was going to be scary。〃
〃I thought it would be;〃 Norman said。
〃Well;〃 Ted said。 〃Of all the people who could be wrong about this expedition; I'm glad it was you。〃
〃I am; too。〃
〃Although I can't imagine why you would select a man like Harry Adams for this team。 Not that he isn't distinguished; but 。。。〃
Norman didn't want to talk about Harry。 〃Ted; remember back on the ship; when you said space and time are aspects of the same thing?〃
〃Space…time; yes。〃
〃I've never really understood that。〃
〃Why? It's quite straightforward。〃
〃You can explain it to me?〃
〃In English?〃 Norman said。
〃You mean; explain it without mathematics?〃
〃Well; I'll try。〃 Ted frowned; but Norman knew he was pleased; Ted loved to lecture。 He paused for a moment; then said; 〃Okay。 Let's see where we need to begin。 You're familiar with the idea that gravity is just geometry?〃
〃Curvature of space and time?〃
〃Not really; no。〃
〃Uh。 Einstein's general relativity?〃
〃Sorry;〃 Norman said。
〃Never mind;〃 Ted said。 There was a bowl of fruit on the table。 Ted emptied the bowl; setting the fruit on the table。
〃Okay。 This table is space。 Nice; flat space。〃
〃Okay;〃 Norman said。
Ted began to position the pieces of fruit。 〃This orange is the sun。 And these are the planets; which move in circles around the sun。 So we have the solar system on this table。〃
''85'' 〃Fine;〃 Ted said。 〃Now; the sun〃…he pointed to the orange in the center of the table…〃is very large; so it has a lot of gravity。〃
Ted gave Norman a ball bearing。 〃This is a spaceship。 I want you to send it through the solar system; so it passes very close to the sun。 Okay?〃
Norman took the ball bearing and rolled it so it passed close to the orange。 〃Okay。〃
〃You notice that your ball rolled straight across the flat table。〃
〃But in real life; what would happen to your spacecraft when it passed near the sun?〃
〃It would get sucked into the sun。〃
〃Yes。 We say it would 'fall into' the sun。 The spacecraft would curve inward from a straight line and hit the sun。 But your spacecraft didn't。〃
〃So we know that the flat table is wrong;〃 Ted said。 〃Real space can't be flat like the table。〃
〃It can't?〃
〃No;〃 Ted said。
He took the empty bowl and set the orange in the bottom。 〃Now roll your ball straight across past the sun。〃
Norman flicked the ball bearing into the bowl。 The ball curved; and spiraled down the inside of the bowl until it hit the orange。
〃Okay;〃 Ted said。 〃The spacecraft hit the sun; just like it would in real life。〃
〃But if I gave it enough speed;〃 Norman said; 〃it'd go right past it。 It'd roll down and up the far side of the bowl and out again。〃
〃Correct;〃 Ted said。 〃Also like real life。 If the spacecraft has enough velocity; it will escape the gravitational field of the sun。〃
〃So;〃 Ted said; 〃what we are showing is that a spacecraft passing the sun in real life behaves as if it were entering a ''86'' curved region of space around the sun。 Space around the sun is curved like this bowl。〃
〃Okay 。。。〃
〃And if your ball had the right speed; it wouldn't escape from the bowl; but instead would just spiral around endlessly inside the rim of the bowl。 And that's what the planets are doing。 They are endlessly spiraling inside the bowl created by the sun。〃
He put the orange back on the table。 〃In reality; you should imagine the table is made out of rubber and the planets are all making dents in the rubber as they sit there。 That's what space is really like。 Real space is curved…and the curvature changes with the amount of gravity。〃
〃So;〃 Ted said; 〃space is curved by gravity。〃
〃And that means that you can think of gravity a
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