《Sphere (深海圆疑) 原版小说》



Sphere (深海圆疑) 原版小说- 第25部分

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〃Why aren't these fried?〃 Norman said。
〃We can't deep…fry down here;〃 Barnes said。 〃The hot oil forms a suspension and gums up the air filters。 But sautéed is fine。〃
〃Well; I don't know about the squid but the shrimps are great;〃 Ted said。 〃Aren't they; Harry?〃 Ted and Harry were eating shrimp。
〃Great shrimp;〃 Harry said。 〃Delicious。〃
〃You know how I feel;〃 Ted said; 〃I feel like Captain Nemo。 Remember; living underwater off the bounty of the sea?〃
〃Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea;〃 Barnes said。
''160'' 〃James Mason;〃 Ted said。 〃Remember how he played the organ? Duh…duh…duh; da da da daaaaah da! Bach Toccata and Fugue in D minor。〃
〃And Kirk Douglas。〃
〃Kirk Douglas was great。〃
〃Remember when he fought the giant squid?〃
〃That was great。〃
〃Kirk Douglas had an ax; remember?〃
〃Yeah; and he cut off one of the squid arms。〃
〃That movie;〃 Harry said; 〃scared the hell out of me。 I saw it when I was a kid and it scared the hell out of me。〃
〃I didn't think it was scary;〃 Ted said。
〃You were older;〃 Harry said。
〃Not that much older。〃
〃Yes; you were。 For a kid it was terrifying。 That's probably why I don't like squid now。〃
〃You don't like squid;〃 Ted said; 〃because they're rubbery and disgusting。〃
Barnes said; 〃That was the movie that made me want to join the Navy。〃
〃I can imagine;〃 Ted said。 〃So romantic and exciting。 And a real vision of the wonders of applied science。 Who played the professor in that?〃
〃The professor?〃
〃Yes; remember there was a professor?〃
〃I vaguely remember a professor。 Old guy。〃
〃Norman? You remember who was the professor?〃
〃No; I don't;〃 Norman said。
Ted said; 〃Are you sitting over there keeping an eye on us; Norman?〃
〃How do you mean?〃 Norman said。
〃Analyzing us。 Seeing if we're cracking up。〃
〃Yes;〃 Norman said; smiling。 〃I am。〃
〃How're we doing?〃 Ted said。
〃I would say it is highly significant that a group of scientists can't remember who played the scientist in a movie they all loved。〃
〃Well; Kirk Douglas was the hero; that's why。 The scientist wasn't the hero。〃
''161'' 〃Franchot Tone?〃 Barnes said。 〃Claude Rains?〃
〃No; I don't think so。 Fritz somebody?〃
〃Fritz Weaver?〃
They heard a crackle and hiss; and then the sounds of an organ playing the Toccata and Fugue in D minor。
〃Great;〃 Ted said。 〃I didn't know we had music down here。〃
Edmunds returned to the table。 〃There's a tape library; Ted。〃
〃I don't know if this is right for dinner;〃 Barnes said。
〃I like it;〃 Ted said。 〃Now; if we only had seaweed salad。 Isn't that what Captain Nemo served?〃
〃Maybe something lighter?〃 Barnes said。
〃Lighter than seaweed?〃
〃Lighter than Bach。〃
〃What was the submarine called?〃 Ted said。
〃The Nautilus;〃 Edmunds said。
〃Oh; right。 Nautilus。〃
〃It was the name of the first atomic submarine; too; launched in 1954;〃 she said。 And she gave Ted a bright smile。
〃True;〃 Ted said。 〃True。〃
Norman thought; He's met his match in irrelevant trivia。 Edmunds went to the porthole and said; 〃Oh; more visitors。〃
〃What now?〃 Harry said; looking up quickly。
Frightened? Norman thought。 No; just quick; manic。 Interested。
〃They're beautiful;〃 Edmunds was saying。 〃Some kind of little jellyfish。 All around the habitat。 We should really film them。 What do you think; Dr。 Fielding? Should we go film them?〃
〃I think I'll just eat now; Jane;〃 Ted said; a bit severely。 Edmunds looked stricken; rejected。 Norman thought; I'll have to watch that。 She turned to leave。 The others glanced toward the porthole; but nobody left the table。
〃Have you ever eaten jellyfish?〃 Ted said。 〃I hear they're a delicacy。〃
〃Some of them are poisonous;〃 Beth said。 〃Toxins in the tentacles。〃
''162'' 〃Don't the Chinese eat jellyfish?〃 Harry said。
〃Yes;〃 Tina said。 〃They make a soup; too。 My grandmother used to make it in Honolulu。〃
〃You're from Honolulu?〃
〃Mozart would be better for dining;〃 Barnes said。 〃Or Beethoven。 Something with strings。 This organ music is gloomy。〃
〃Dramatic;〃 Ted said; playing imaginary keys in the air; in time to the music。 Swaying his body like James Mason。 
〃Gloomy;〃 Barnes said。
The inter crackled。 〃Oh; you should see this;〃 Edmunds said; over the inter。 〃It's beautiful。〃
〃Where is she?〃
〃She must be outside;〃 Barnes said。 He went to the porthole。
〃It's like pink snow;〃 Edmunds said。 They all got up and went to the portholes。
Edmunds was outside with the video camera。 They could hardly see her through the dense clouds of jellyfish。 The jellyfish were small; the size of a thimble; and a delicate; glowing pink。 It was indeed like a snowfall。 Some of the jellyfish came quite close to the porthole; they could see them well。
〃They have no tentacles;〃 Harry said。 〃They're just little pulsating sacs。〃
〃That's how they move;〃 Beth said。 〃Muscular contractions expel the water。〃
〃Like squid;〃 Ted said。
〃Not as developed; but the general idea。〃
〃They're sticky;〃 Edmunds said; over the inter。 〃They're sticking to my suit。〃
〃That pink color is fantastic;〃 Ted said。 〃Like snow in a sunset。〃
〃Very poetic。〃
〃I thought so。〃
〃You would。〃
〃They're sticking to my faceplate; too;〃 Edmunds said。 〃I have to pull them off。 They leave a smeary streak…〃
''163'' She broke off abruptly; but they could still hear her breathing。
〃Can you see her?〃 Ted said。
〃Not very well。 She's there; to the left。〃
Over the inter; Edmunds said; 〃They seem to be warm。 I feel heat on my arms and legs。〃
〃That's not right;〃 Barnes said。 He turned to Tina。 〃Tell her to get out of there。〃
Tina ran from the cylinder; toward the munications console。
Norman could hardly see Edmunds any more。 He was vaguely aware of a dark shape; moving arms; agitated。 。。。 
Over the inter; she said; 〃The smear on the faceplate…it won't go away…they seem to be eroding the plastic…and my arms…the fabric is…〃
Tina's voice said; 〃Jane。 Jane; get out of there。〃
〃On the double;〃 Barnes shouted。 〃Tell her on the double!〃
Edmunds's breathing was ing in ragged gasps。 〃The smears…can't see very well…I feel…hurts…my arms burning…hurts…they're eating through…〃
〃Jane。 e back。 Jane。 Are you reading? Jane。〃
〃She's fallen down;〃 Harry said。 〃Look; you can see her lying…〃
〃…We have to save her;〃 Ted said; jumping to his feet。 
〃Nobody move; 〃 Barnes said。
〃But she's…〃
〃…Nobody else is going out there; mister。〃
Edmunds's breathing was rapid。 She coughed; gasped。 〃I can't…I can't…oh God…〃
Edmunds began to scream。
The scream was high…pitched and continuous except for ragged gasps for breath。 They could no longer see her through the swarms of jellyfish。 They looked at each other; at Barnes。 Barnes's face was rigidly set; his jaw tight; listening to the screams。
And then; abruptly; there was silence。


An hour later; the jellyfish disappeared as mysteriously as they had e。 They could see Edmunds's body outside the habitat; lying on the bottom; rocking back and forth gently in the current。 There were small ragged holes in the fabric of the suit。
They watched through the portholes as Barnes and the chief petty officer; Teeny Fletcher; crossed the bottom into the harsh floodlights; carrying extra air tanks。 They lifted Edmunds's body; the helmeted head flopped loosely back; revealing the scarred plastic faceplate; dull in the light。
Nobody spoke。 Norman noticed that even Harry had dropped his manic effect; he sat unmoving; staring out the window。
Outside; Barnes and Fletcher still held the body。 There was a great burst of silvery bubbles; which rose swiftly to the surface。
〃What're they doing?〃
〃Inflating her suit。〃
〃Why? Aren't they bringing her back?〃 Ted said。
〃They can't;〃 Tina said。 〃There's nowhere to put her here。 The deposition by…products would ruin our air。〃
〃But there must be some kind of a sealed container…〃 
〃…There isn't;〃 Tina said。 〃There's no provision for keeping organic remains in the habitat。〃
〃You mean they didn't plan on anyone dying。〃
〃That's right。 They didn't。〃
Now there were many thin streams of bubbles rising from the holes in the suit; toward the surface。 Edmunds's suit was puffed; bloated。 Barnes released it; and it floated slowly away; as if pulled upward by the streaming silver bubbles。
〃It'll go to the surface?〃
〃Yes。 The gas expands continuously as outside pressure diminishes。〃
〃And what then?〃
〃Sharks;〃 Beth said。 〃Probably。〃
In a few moments the body disappeared into blackness; ''165'' beyond the reach of the lights。 Barnes and Fletcher still watched the body; helmets tilted up toward the surface。 Fletcher made the sign of the cross。 Then they trudged back toward the habitat。
A bell rang from somewhere inside。 Tina went into D Cyl。 Moments later she shouted; 〃Dr。 Adams! More numbers!〃 
Harry got up and went into the next cylinder。 The others trailed after him。 Nobody wanted to look out the porthole any longer。

Norman stared at the screen; entirely puzzled。
But Harry clapped his hands in delight。 〃Excellent;〃 Harry said。 〃This is extremely helpful。〃
〃It is?〃
〃Of course。 Now I have a fighting chance。〃
〃You mean to break the code。〃
〃Yes; of course。〃
〃Remember the original number sequence? This is the same sequence。〃
〃It is?〃
〃Of course;〃 Harry said。 〃Except it's in binary。〃
〃Binary;〃 Ted said; nudging Norman。 〃Didn't I tell you binary was important?〃
〃What's important;〃 Harry said; 〃is that this establishes ''166'' the individual letter breaks from the original sequence。〃 〃Here's a copy of the original sequence;〃 Tina said; handing them a sheet。

00032125252632 032629 301321 04261037 18 3016 06180821
32 29033005 1822 04261013 0830162137 1604 08301621 1822 0 

〃Good;〃 Harry said。 〃Now you can see my problem at once。 Look at the word: oh…oh…oh…three…two…one; and so on。 The question is; how do I break that word up into individual letters? I couldn't decide; but now I know。〃
〃Well; obviously; it goes three; twenty…one; twenty…five; twenty…five。 。。。〃
Norman didn't understand。 〃But how do you know that?〃
〃Look;〃 Harry said impatiently。 〃It's very simple; Norman。 It's a spiral; reading from inside to outside。 It's just giving us the numbers in…〃
Abruptly; the screen changed again。

''167'' 〃There; is that clearer for you?〃
Norman frowned。
〃Look; it's exactly the same;〃 Harry said。 〃See? Center outward? Oh…oh…oh…three…twenty…one…twenty…five…twentyfive 。。。 It's made a spiral moving outward from the center。〃
〃Maybe it's sorry about what happened to Edmunds;〃 Harry said。
〃Why do you say that?〃 Norman asked; staring curiously at Harry。
〃Because it's obviously trying very hard to municate with us;〃 Harry said。 〃It's attempting different things。〃
〃Who is it?〃
〃It;〃 Harry said; 〃may not be a who。〃
The screen went blank; and another pattern appeared。

''168'' 〃All right;〃 Harry said。 〃This is very good。〃
〃Where is this ing from?〃
〃Obviously; from the ship。〃
〃But we're not connected to the ship。 How is it managing to turn on our puter and print this?〃
〃We don't know。〃
〃Well; shouldn't we know?〃 Beth said。
〃Not necessarily;〃 Ted said。
〃Shouldn't we try to know?〃
〃Not necessarily。 You see; if the technology is advanced enough; it appears to the na?ve observer to be magic。 There's no doubt about that。 For example; you take a famous scientist from our past…Aristotle; Leonardo da Vinci; even Isaac Newton。 Show him an ordinary Sony color…t
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